Conference and a... Surprise!

 Monday, April 8, 2024; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Olá pessoal, tudo bem com vocês? Esta semana passada foi boa, com duas conferências, serviço, devotional e uma surpresa!

Last Monday all the missionaries in Manaus had a devotional with the Manaus Temple President, President Milder. He gave a superb devotional on Jesus Christ and his Atonement for us. 

Other things that happened:
-We had Zone Conference this week
-Tried sushi for maybe the first time... yeah, I'm not a fish guy🙃
-Did a service project for an awesome family
-Some awesome sunsets this week
-Lots of rain too
-General Conference was interrupted by a car playing music super loud in the street🫠🎶

As my comp and I were walking along, I subconsciously saw IT. Right after my companion pointed it out, and then my brain finally realized what it was, and I literally jumped away from it. An Iguana. This one living though. It was probably 5 feet long, with its tale being super long and skinny. 

This past weekend was General Conference! It's always awesome to hear the Prophet and Apostles speak, giving us guidance and support in our lives. All the talks given were so good, and I know studying them over the next several months and years, they will only become more helpful. 

As with every Conference, I love looking for themes within the talks. This Conference a big theme was Temples. Several of the speakers told of how many temples were built when they were born. Just a couple. But today, we have temples in so many parts of the world. Tons throughout the USA, South America, Europe...
They are so accessible!

A second major theme was covenants. A covenant is a promise with God, where God sets the limits, but allows us to make them with him. With each covenant, we make promises with God. And as we do our part, God is BOUND to do his part.

Elder Ulisses Soares said something I love, which is that if there is one sure thing we can trust in, it's the covenants we have made through Jesus Christ. 

I want to invite each of you to do one or all of the following, if you have questions feel free to ask me😁

-Watch General Conference! 1 talk, 2 talks, all of it rock -s!
-Go to the temple! The outside is always beautiful and spirit-filled, and those with recommends to enter will know the inside is even more beautiful and spirit-filled!
-Learn about the Covenants we can make with God!

I love each of y'all! 

Elder David Olson

-Service Project
-Mission office with some other Elders


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