Zone conference and An Exchange!
Monday, January 27, 2025; Iranduba Branch, Iranduba, Amazonas, Brazil: Olá a todos! Como vocês estão? Está semana passada foi muita boa. Tivemos Conferencia de Zonas, uma divisão, e mais! Hello all of you all! How are y'all doing? This past week was another busy but normal-ish week. To start the week off, we had a Zone Conference for all of the missionaries in my Zone. Because my Zone has missionaries in cities across the Amazon and the Amazon river, it doesn't work to hold them in person. So, our Mission President goes to one of the areas, and does the zoom call from there. This time my area was selected, so our Mission Pres. came, a few other missionaries in nearby cities, and other missionaries joined in via zoom. It was an awesome Conference, a lot about our daily morning studying and planning, among other things. We also had an exchange with the Zone Leaders, so I stayed with Elder Alvarenga for the day. Because of distances, all 4 of us missionaries stayed ...