Busy week😅
Monday, January 20, 2025; Iranduba Branch, Iranduba, Amazonas, Brazil:
Transfers happened, my last transfer (6-weeks) on the mission!
My new comp is Elder Jensen, from Texas. He has 4 months on the mission.
This week it rained a decent amount. I love how here, it can be bright and sunny, 10 minutes later the sky is falling. Super hard rain. Then it stops and gets bright and sunny. 10 minutes later, it's back to dark and pouring rain.
I don't think I told y'all, but I saw more wild monkeys last week.
I made fresh lime juice this week, really good but a little sour. I'm still working on the recipe for how much of each thing to use.
We passed this big hill with a big hole carved into it. 

I had a training meeting with our Mission President and some of the other leaders in the Mission. Our Mission President gave us some tips on how to be good leaders here in the mission, but also how to apply the same things as we become leaders after the mission.
I loved how he taught us how to be dedicated in our work now and applied that to learning how to be dedicated in the future, in ways I hadn't even thought of.
He taught a lot about being prepared. While he specifically taught about it with church assignments and callings, I also realized it will be very helpful in the career area.
One day my companion and I talked to one of the members here. He is deaf. It made me reflect on the sacrifices I make in my life. He comes to church often, even though he currently has no one to translate for him. He can't hear, so church is much more difficult for him. I was impressed during our visit with him, at his attention to study the scriptures, and his love for them. It was clear to me how he was strengthening his testimony of Jesus Christ! We also learned some Libras (Brazilian sign language).
This past week I honestly have been super exhausted. There are a lot of causes. One of them just being good hard work. Either way, I thought about how while I love my mission, I love being a missionary, how ready I am for the end of my full-time missionary service.
That led me to think about some other leaders. And I remembered and pondered on the Prophet and the quorum of the 12 Apostles. How difficult it must be sometimes for them. They are called for life. For me I knew my full-time service would be about 2 years, then end. The dedication they have in calling others to come unto Christ, full-time, for years on end!
I always love hearing the words of a faithful Apostle, when he shared where he gets strength and motivation to continue on. He says, remember Jesus Christ! HE is our leader. HE is our perfect example. HE showed us how to continue and gives us the strength to continue!
For each one of you struggling with following Christ, or doing what He requires of you, always look to Him! He showed us how and helps us on the way! HE is our strength! Apply that in your life, and nothing will be too difficult!
That's all for this week, love y'all!
Elder David Olson

-Elder Jensen and I learning Libras (Brazilian sign language)
-Pig in the street

-A big hill
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