Singing in 5 languges? A new country??

Friday, February 24, 2023; Sao Paulo MTC Brazil: The past two weeks have been very intresting. This email will likely be long so sorry! I flew to the Atlanta airport. I had a 5 hour layover there. While waiting I met another missionary who was on his way to Peru from Arizona. Then on my flight from Atlanta to São Paulo I realized I had my district (the 6 other missionaries I did online classes with), another American district of 6 missionaries, and a few missionaries who had visa problems but were finally going to Brazil. In total there were 16 missionaries on my flight. That flight to São Paulo was good but super long. The sunset was very beautiful from the plane. I was not sitting by any of the other missionaries. We were fed dinner and breakfast which were both decent. For the flight I was sitting next to a lady and her daughter. During the flight she had me help her edit a note in english as her first languge was portugese, which was super fun for me and made...