Singing in 5 languges? A new country??

 Friday, February 24, 2023; Sao Paulo MTC Brazil:

The past two weeks have been very intresting. This email will likely be long so sorry! 

 I flew to the Atlanta airport. I had a 5 hour layover there. While waiting I met another missionary who was on his way to Peru from Arizona. Then on my flight from Atlanta to São Paulo I realized I had my district (the 6 other missionaries I did online classes with), another American district of 6 missionaries, and a few missionaries who had visa problems but were finally going to Brazil. In total there were 16 missionaries on my flight. 

That flight to São Paulo was good but super long. The sunset was very beautiful from the plane. I was not sitting by any of the other missionaries. We were fed dinner and breakfast which were both decent. For the flight I was sitting next to a lady and her daughter. During the flight she had me help her edit a note in english as her first languge was portugese, which was super fun for me and made me think about how the brazilians will be doing that to my portugese soon :). We also talked about what I was doing as a missionary and compared our experiences learning a new language... or starting to for me :)

I landed in São Paulo and then loaded into buses with the other missionaries. We a 30 minute drive to the MTC, so I got to see some of São Paulo and also how the people drive! Somehow they have less laws and drive a lot better than parts of America. The city of São Paulo has a ton of concrete. Its everywhere. It also has a ton of greenery. Not much the height of a pine tree but still :)

We got to the MTC. It is a very different building, at least as opposed to American standards. The MTC is a 7 story building in a little compound. The building has several entrances that are 20 feet wide and just open, without any way to shut it. My room is on the 7th floor so its a walk up and down the stairs daily. Between my room door and the outside 15-20ft tall doors there are no doors. Its literally so weird because half the building feels so enclosed and half is open to the outside world. In the middle of the building is a big open courtyard with a few trees and benches. 

Almost everyday I have two 3-hour classes on portugese and missionary work, 3 meals that are all you eat.... I LoVe BeAnS aNd RiCe. We also have daily excercise time and lots if daily personal and companionship study. 

One day the international missionaries went to the Federal Police station of Brazil to get our 1 year visas extended to 2 years. It reminded me of the DMV :)

There are two zones/groups of American/english speaking missionaries with maybe 20 in each group and we meet with them sundays as our branch/congregation. We have church with that group while at the MTC. Sunday I was told there was a chance I would have a talk in church so I wrote one but luckly I wasnt chosen. The Branch president here just picks 4 random missionaries from my branch to give talks each week.

We have a devotional each Wednesday and Sunday. This past week notably we had Elder Uceda from the Brazil area presidency speak at devo. Also before devotionals is my favourite part of the week-choir practice. I love music and it always helps uplift me. Choir practice consists of practicing hymns in preparation for the devotionals. The interesting thing is that there are several native languges... so each week we sing sonfs or parts of them in spanish english and portugese. And rhey stir things uo some. This week we alsk got to sing a little bit in Japanese and French... that one didn't go as well :)

Besides that I had preperation day this week and I was able to go to the São Paulo temple. It was suoer awesome to go and sooo beautiful. Also the SP temple is in my brother Elder Steve Olsons mission!!!! He was able to come say hi and tour the temple visitors center with us. It was so cool to see him!!

At the MTC I have met so many cool missionaries, and had tkns kf fun trying to communicte with them. I know that I am learning a lot but also I have so much to learn. I had some expriences this week that witnesses agaon and again to me that God knows me and loves me, and he know and loves each one of you. I also know that when I seek to see others as God does I can feel more love for other people and each of you can do that too. 

Anyways Eu amo todos vocês! I love you all!

Elder Olson,
At the MTC/CTM Brazil
Then to Manaus, Brasil

-My district and I at the São Paulo temple
-My district and I with our nametags
-My companion Elder Pohm and I
-Me @ O templo

-4 pics with 2 Elder Olsons at the Sao Paulo Brazil Temple and the Visitors Center :)


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