W2… Zoom 2.0

Sunday, February 12, 2023; In-home MTC, Raleigh, NC, USA:

Hey y’all!

This week has been very similar to last week, and it didn’t have too much excitement. That comes this week :) Just more zoom classes and companionship study.

I got to learn more about conjugating verbs in Portuguese this week. I am starting to learn a lot of words but putting them together is still quite difficult. 

In companionships my District got to mock teach some people in Portuguese… it’s super unnerving because to really teach someone without really knowing much Portuguese I end up just reading off a script, but to make it engaging we ask questions of those we are teaching. The idea isn’t so bad… until you realize that the person may say something in Portuguese that we don’t understand…lots of awkward silence while my companion and I try to process what the person said to us. But it’s good practice and helps encourage me in studying Portuguese so that I can really teach from my heart and knowledge the principles I have been called to teach.

I had the opportunity to serve at the Bishop Storehouse this week, which is basically a  food pantry one morning every 2 weeks helping give out food to people in need. I remember when I was a Deacon (12-13 years old), I remember sitting in a meeting at church where they asked all of the men and teenagers if anyone could help with Bishop Storehouse. I thought it would be cool to do but I was too young and had school and things on. But recently my dad started helping with Bishop Storehouse and I was able to go with him and for me it is super cool to serve, plus I love the organized aspect of it.

Then this weekend I was able to again go the the Raleigh, NC Temple with my parents. I am very excited to go to some of the Temples in Brazil. Each Temple is unique and beautiful but they each have the same exact ordinances and covenants and anytime I go to any of the Temples I always feel peace. I haven’t found anything else that lets me put aside the stress and things of the world more than being in the temple. #FamiliesAreForever

One of the most exciting things for me was a truck came around to collect the leaves from off my street, which made the neighborhood a lot louder. I feel about same excitement that I did hearing and seeing one of those trucks pick up my leaves 10+ years ago.  ;)

This weekend I have also been furiously packing for my travel tomorrow(Monday) to São Paulo. I will fly to Atlanta and meet my companion (perhaps my District too) and we will fly to São Paulo together. 

I am super excited to go to Brazil and love learning how to be a better missionary. 

I hope y’all have a good week!

-Elder Olson


-Companionship study with Elder Pohm!

-My district on a zoom meeting plus Irmão Thaylson, an instructor who filled in one day this week. 

-Leaf truck :)

-At the Raleigh NC Temple with my parents


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