New Area!

 Monday, April 24, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Hey y'all!

This week has been pretty good. :)

At the beginning of the week, my companion got permission to use his last p-day before he goes home buying souvenirs. So, we went, and he bought a bunch of random hand-crafted things to remember Manaus with. 

Then we went to McDonald's. It was just like any normal United States McDonalds. Don't quote me but prices equaled out to around normal fast-food prices in the US. A decent burger meal was about 45$REAIS, while normal lunch at a local restaurant here costs around 15$REAIS. Just a little bit more ;)

This week my Stake here in Manaus put on a theatre play, called "Juntos Para Sempre" or in English "Together Forever. I had a single simple line in it, as well as participating in the choir for it. The idea of the play is families and people after this life need their temple work done, and the audience had their names and participated. It's a little difficult to explain but it was super awesome!

Every 6 weeks all the missionaries actually working in the city of Manaus get to go to the Manaus temple. Other missions sometimes go once every other transfer (6weeks x2), but for my mission, every transfer. We went this week. The temple has a church distribution center as well, and I decided to buy a Portuguese Hymn book and Childrens Songbook. When all the other missionaries had arrived, we took pictures with all of us, and then with our Districts and President/Sister Beck. 

In the Temple one of the rooms had local art covering the walls which included pictures of water and animals and trees and was super beautiful. The session was done in Portuguese. I didn't understand everything because of Portuguese but some things. I will learn :)

I ended up getting transferred this week to a new area with a new companion. I am still in the city of Manaus, in the same stake. Last transfer I was assigned one ward/congregation. This time I will have 2 wards. My new companion's name is Elder Dornelles.

Love y'all!

Elder Olson, 
Manaus Brazil


-Juntos para sempre

-Juntos Para Sempre 2.0
Hey y'all!

This week has been pretty good. :)

At the beginning of the week, my companion got permission to use his last pday before he goes home buying soveiners. So we went and he bought a bunch of random hand crafted things to remember Manaus with. 

Then we went to McDonald's. It was just like any normal United States McDonalds. Dont quote me but prices equaled out to around normal fast food prices in the US. A decent burger meal was about 45$REAIS, while normal lunch at a local restaurant here costs around 15$REAIS. Just a little bit more ;)

This week my stake here in Manaus put on a theatre play, called "Juntos Para Sempre" or in english "Together Forever. I had a single somple line in it, as well as participating in the choir for it. The idea of the play is families and people after this life need their temple work done, and the audience had their names and participated. Its a little difficult to explain but it was super awesome!

Every 6 weeks all the missionaries actually in the city of Manaus get to got to the Manaus temple. Other missions sometimes go once every other transfer(6weeks x2), but for my mission, every tranfer. We went this week. The temple has a church distribution center as well, and I decided to buy a portuguese hymn book and children songbook. When all the other missionaries had arrived we took pictures with all of us, and then with our districts and President/Sister Beck. 

I did an endowment. The first room had local art covering the walls, water and animals and trees and was super beautiful. The session was done in Portuguese. I didn't understand everything because of Portuguese but some things. I will learn :)

I ended up getting transferred to a new area with a new companion. I am still in the city of Manaus, in the same stake. Last transfer I was assigned one ward/congregation. This time I will have 2 wards. My new companion's name is Elder Dornelles.

Love yall!

Elder Olson, 
Manaus Brazil

-Juntos para sempre
-Juntos Para Sempre 2.0
-Temple with the mission


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