Slow week

 Monday, May 29, 2023-Memorial Day; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:


This week was very slow and not too much happened.

My first day with my new companion, Elder Araujo, I had the happy problem of finding my towel absolutely covered in fire ants. It was made worse because I wasn't wearing glasses and tried to pick up my towel several times until I was bitten to realize it. 

I realized that the place we hang our clothes after washing them now has tons of fire ants crossing, so that's a lot of fun ;)

We had a lot of lessons this week that fell through, or people who didn't respond. 

We were able to have a district meeting in person and that was good.

This week we had rain the first part of the week, which was good to cool things off. Sadly, the second part of the week was super-hot, and my sweating continued as we walked a bunch. 

Fun fact-In Brazil there are two main types of soccer/futebol. One is the kind on grass or turf or sometimes sand fields. The other is on fields of cement. There are normal cleats for grass, and there is an equivalent shoe for on the smooth pavement.

This week I have thought a lot of sacrifice. Sacrifice can be good or bad, for a good or bad purpose. The Lord wants us to sacrifice for him, to help us have faith. I heard an awesome thing this week, that while we must obey the two great commandments found in the Bible-loving God and loving other people, we can't follow the second-love others- before the first. We must put God first even if we suffer because of it. I know God loves us and loves our faith and our sacrifices. Sacrifice is personal. We should focus on how we can be more obedient to God. I am working on being more obedient to the commandments of God, as well as my mission rules. I invite you all also to see how you can be more obedient to God and think of what you can or should sacrifice in following God through the path our savior Jesus Christ has shown us.

I hope y'all an have awesome week, 

Amo Vocês!

Elder David Olson,
Manaus Brazil Mission

-Picture of a view
-Another view
-Picture with cool art
-More cool art
-My companion Elder Araujo and some other youth before seminary and sports activities
-A view out one if the members back doors-one of the better 'Amazon' like pictures I have gotten
-My comp Elder Araujo and I


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