
Monday, May 22, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

This week was not normal transfers week. But more on that...

The most interesting thing that happened to me this week was Thursday night. We were using our phone to send some texts, when one of the Mission Assistants to the President (APs, young missionaries who are leaders) called us. My companion talked to him first and said something about interviews separately. I started getting a little worried. Had we done something wrong? I started thinking about the past week, not sure what the problem was. When my companion finally finished talking, he gave me the phone. I tentatively started talking with the AP. My worries quickly ceased as he just said that my companion was getting transferred to another area. He didn't say which day but we found out it would be today (Monday). Normally we have transfers for all the missionaries in my mission every 6 weeks, but this was weird because we are only 4 weeks in, still have two more weeks. I don't know exactly why this transfer is happening but probably because of visa problems, I know a few other missionaries had some this week and needed to be close to the center of Manaus where they can do visa stuff.

Our house still has a garage, but no luck yet with our mission president to get a car. Or even a motorcycle :( something about 'safety' and 'walking is good for you'  *sigh*

We walked a decent amount this week. There was a little rain one day but mostly just the sun the rest of the days. If you don't wear glasses, you don't know the fun side of sweating a ton and having your glasses fall off your face over and over again. A lot of fun :)

Actually, I think Saturday night was more exciting/interesting than Thursday, because we had a wedding. {No mom, I'm not getting married yet ;). After the mission :) }. I think I mentioned some of this in the past but one of the families we have been teaching wanted to be baptized, and need to get married officially, so the ward members here helped put on the wedding. It was super cool. 

Then on Sunday we had their baptismal service, it was also great. Except that we overfilled the font and water started to spill into the hallway.... oops :)

I don't have any pictures of my new companion to send y'all yet, but his name is Elder Araujo.

This week I thought a lot about opposites. There is a church youth song called 'Grateful for the Rain' that talks about this some, and also, I listened to a really good talk by Elder Holland at the Provo MTC. How we need the bad to know the good. How the more sadness we feel, the more happiness we can feel. Just as hard experiences can help one grow the most, we understand one more when we feel or experience the other. I know that God loves me, and he loves all of you. Because of that we are here in a world where we can experience pain and sorrow, but also happiness and joy. 

I invite you all to think about what good experiences you have had this week, and what bad ones, and how they both can help you grow.

I love y'all, hope you have had, and will have an awesome week!

 If you have any questions for me, please send me an email and ask them!

Elder David S. Olson,
Manaus Brazil <3

-Mother's day party for the ward with red balloons
-Photo at the wedding with Wedson and Jessica who were married and my companion, Elder Dornelles 

-Photo at the wedding with my companion and Mateus and the ties we got together
-Photo right before Wedson and Jessica's baptism
-Photo outside the church building with one of the families in our ward here who did a lot to prepare for the wedding.
-Another photo, with that family and Wedson and Jessica


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