Manaus Temple Novamente

Monday, June 5, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Ooooooolá all of y'all!

This week we had a friend in our ward here open up his mission call. He is going to one of the missions in México. They had a little party for him at his house, which is on a Hill. It was funny because his dad had gotten some firecrackers, and every once in a while, he lit one and tossed it out the back door. Then a second later there was a loud bang and everyone in the house that hadn't seen him do it jumped. He stopped when after a extra loud one, a child in the distance started crying from the sound. 

This week I had a division where my companion switched with another Elder for a day. It was good to work with another Elder and see his wisdom and get to know him. During the division day, I had a final mentoring session. Final because I had one every week for my first 12 weeks in field and this was my 12th week in Manaus.

My area has a bunch of super steep hills, and we walked up another fun one again. My companion turned around and started walking up it backwards because it was so steep. I still remember my first day in this area. I had to stop and tie my shoes a lot tighter to account for the hills. But that means we have more good views :)

This week I also had transfers, but my companion and I are staying together in the same area. One change for the first week is that due to logistics we will be having another Elder stay with us. It will be fun to have a trio for a little while.

Also, this transfer of 6 weeks is our Mission Presidents last transfer, then we will get a new president. 

This week all the missionaries here got to go to the Manaus BR temple again. It was super awesome to see other missionaries, see the temple and participate in the ordinances therein. While in the temple I had some extra time, so I spent time looking at all the beautiful paintings. 

One of my favorites was a painting of Lehi finding or using the Liahona. If you don't know, basically a prophet many years ago found a compass that worked by the power of God when they were faithful. It made me think about what I use as my compass, what I let guide me. Do I follow the commandments of God, or do I let objects be my master. What do I want to be my goal and what will get me there. What is the path I need to follow. I invite all of you to think about what controls or guides you. Where do you want to go in this life and after this life, and what will get you there? Its little choices that change us-for better or worse.

I hope all of you have an awesome week! 

Elder David Olson
Brazil Manaus Mission

-Mentoring session during my division 
-Photo with Elder Da Cruz
-Temple selfie
-Steep hill and my companion, Elder Araujo
-Some random other missionaries at the temple
-All the Manaus missionaries at the temple
-Zoom mission conference


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