Moving Into Summer Here
Monday, June 12, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:
Olá todos!
The sun is sunny...
This week was very interesting for me. I mentioned some last week, but one of the missionaries arrived late, and so his companion spent 5 days with us. The whole week was a little different, much more lively. Some things, like getting ready, took longer.
We had some really good conversations between the three of us. One thing that was a little hard is staying in the same area and getting a new companion who does things differently. During one of our conversations, I realized I need to talk with my companion when I have a problem, because sometimes I like to hold my problems in, but sometimes I can resolve them when I talk about them.
One idea process that gets brought up with members here every once in a while, is what things missionaries will take back to their homes with them. For example:
-Specific fish here in Manaus
-Specific brands of guaraná soda
-Fruits or fruit juices specific to Manaus
My current companion said he will focus on Tereré because his part of Brasil doesn't have much or any Tereré. I talked to him more about it and he said he will get rid of all but 1 of his white shirts, and other things to make more space for Tereré. Personally, I thought the idea of getting rid of my white shirts (at the end of the mission) was weird because I can use them after the mission and white shirts aren't the cheapest. That outlook did change slightly when I was doing laundry a day later and was thinking about how my white shirts were looking a little discolored. Maybe at the end of my mission I won't have ANY white shirts at all! ;)
In response to what I want to bring home after the mission, my current view is in general, things that aren't edible. Food is a once and done thing. Though I still have 1 year and 8 months to think about it :)
One day while doing some stuff here my companion and I found some normal looking grass weeds, that when you touch or step on them, immediately shrink. Then a few minutes later they are back to normal. While I don't have a picture or video of them, just a cool plant here.
I don't see too many plants or trees of fruit here, but I know there are lots in some áreas of the mission. I do however sometimes see trees with bananas, something similar to coconuts, and the occasional fruit tree.

One cool thing that happened is one of the people we started teaching a while back, who has been super busy with work, ended up having more time this week and decided they wanted to be baptized, só this Sunday we had her baptism. She is the sister of the couple who we helped get married a few weeks ago. It was awesome to see her joy about baptism.
This week we also had a little puppy spending some time near and in the church building- shown in a photo.
This week, one day we were at the church building talking with a few people before a lesson when a member asked if we could give her son a Priesthood Blessing of healing. My companion had the phone and knowing that we had a busy schedule he said we couldn't come today but the next day we could. After a little while our lesson was canceled, and so we ended up being able to go there. Only a short 30 minute walk each way :| but that's life. We were able to give the priesthood blessing using consecrated oil. It was my first sealing with oil in Portuguese, and I don't think I have done it in English even. The whole experience reminded me of one of the General Conference talks I read this week. President Eyring of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave a talk in August of 2009 titled 'Be Ready'. In it one thing he said is he always wants to have a little bottle of Consecrated Oil for blessing the sick and afflicted near him. He said some people would call it excessive, but he has one in all of the places he works and lives, close to him at all times. It was an awesome talk he gave, and shows me how important his opportunity, but also duty to give Priesthood Blessings is to him. Some think that having the Priesthood exalts someone. But the Priesthood is only to serve others. It is an opportunity to serve others more, whether a person has it or acts with its power and authority.
To all of you reading this letter, I invite all of you to seek ways to serve others more. Use the Priesthood to serve those around, fulfill church callings, or just generally serve your families and friends more.
If any of you happen have questions for me about what the Priesthood is or want to know more, please send me an email at, I would love to share more you.
I love all of y'all, and seek to love people more every day. I sincerely hope all of y'all have an awesome blessed week!
Elder David Olson

Brasil Missão
-After church with a few young adults
-Another photo before the baptism
-We couldn't say no to Açaí when someone else was paying ;)
-I found someone who served in my brother Steve's mission! São Paulo West.
-My two companions...
-The third companion with a cute puppy
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