Then.. she sprayed us with water!馃挧

Monday, June 19, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

'I don't have much time...'
-some adult sometime ;)

This week my district had an in-person district meeting! We have 8 Elders in our district right now. It was fun to talk and interact with them.

We also had Zone Conference this week. The Brasil Manaus Mission President over all of us young missionaries will be changing in 2 weeks. The current Mission President and his wife expressed their gratitude and love for the missionaries, as well as advice they have learned over the last 3 years with this mission. We had a few training things. Then we got a very healthy lunch and had time to socialize and eat with the other missionaries. After that we all went outside and took a photo, as well as a v铆deo of us singing a song for this mission. Then we went back into the church building only to find with dismay that we were all going to get the yearly flu shot. But we got popsicles afterwards. 馃拤馃嵔馃幍

This week also had a lit bit of cool weather this week. A few of the nights had some normal activities like volleyball and soccer outdoors, and some people expressed their dislike for the cold. Personally, I thought it was very nice. 馃尙❄

One of the days we started talking to a lady who was washing her sidewalk off. She started talking to us and stuck her still running hose under her fence to focus on us. That was ok until the pressure of the hose made it spin back out from under the fence, and my companion and I got sprayed with water! 馃寠 The good thing is it wasn't intentional :)

Sunday, we attended a Stake meeting for church members in my part of Manaus, where the Stake President and Mission President, as well as some other people spoke. They talked about how important the Book of Mormon is.

Yes, the Bible is important. But the Book of M贸rmon, combined with the Bible, tell s贸 many truths. And while many people know the Bible, the Book of M贸rmon has s贸 many true things to help people, and show people who Jesus Christ is, and what he did for us. To help us know how to return to our Father in Heaven after this life. The fact that our Savior, after his Resurrection, visited the ancient Am茅ricas and the people there is huge. Written by other prophets of God to guide and help people.

It was said at the meeting that the Book of M贸rmon is the best missionary the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has, to bring people closer to Christ. We missionaries, and members too- use and can use the Book of M贸rmon to help others. My favorite part about the Book of M贸rmon is it has an introduction. In the introduction, it invites all people to read it, and then ask God in the name of Jesus Christ if the things read are true. If anyone, whatever person, does this, they will receive a response. They don't have to believe on other peoples' words. I know this is because God is a personal God. He loves each of us individual and perfectly. Our Savior also loves each of us perfectly and because of this He atoned for us and continues to help us on our path back to our Heavenly Father. 

I invite all of you to seek Jesus Christ. Seek to have more faith in our Father in Heaven. It's not easy. But hard things make us stronger. Faith makes us stronger when we keep it and grow it.

I hope y'all have an awesome week!

Elder David Olson
馃尨M馃尨A馃尨N馃尨A馃尨U馃尨S馃尨 BRAZIL

-Lunch at Zone Conference 
-Half the mission at Zone Conference
-Another photo of Zone Conference 
-My companion roleplays giving a Book of M贸rmon to the Mission President at the Stake Meeting 
-My district of 8



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