
 Monday, July 10, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Oi como vocΓͺs esta?

This week was definitely different for me. 

I had a division this week with a Peruvian Elder, Elder Suyon. He has only a few weeks here in Brazil, so it was interesting being the senior companion for a Day, with more time on the mission than him.

My companion Elder Araujo and I had some good lessons with people this week. Honestly probably the start of our most productive week together so far. 

We had a District meeting in person. It was decent. But just as the District meeting was close to ending, my companion and I got a phone call. There was some kind of problem with another missionary in another area, so I was getting transferred to help them out. It's a little weird because the whole mission has transfers in one week. So, I may get transferred again in a week, or my new companion might get transferred. But we will see.

We hurried home, and I had a few hours to pack. Which is ok but I have too much stuff so it's a little hard to pack super-fast. 

Then we took an uber to my new area. It's across the city from my old area, a little bit more City City. 

I am still waiting for the Brazilian government to send me my green card and another card saying I can travel. Until then, I am stuck in the city of Manaus. Which is still very interesting and different. 

My new companion is named Elder Rufino. He is from Brazil, and unlike all my other companions so far, He wasn't born a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has been a member for 3 or 4 years. He was raised as a Catholic. 

My new area covers two wards. One ward doesn't have a Bishop (temporary leader of the congregation), because they don't have many people eligible (married, not been one before, etc.). For me its super different because all of the wards I have ever been in have had a bishop. But everywhere is different.

The missionary house in my new area does not have air conditioning- which I have been spoiled to have in my other areas. It has more windows and more ventilation, along with fans. Because of that, at night the windows are always open and fans on. I got Bitten by lots of bugs my first night :( πŸ˜’ 

My new area does have some awesome views of a River, Rio Negro. Which I am pretty sure is just a part of the Amazon River. It does not however have as many trees as my old area.

My new area is a lot closer to the Manaus temple, which we missionaries get to go to this week. I am super excited. I think I said in the past but while all temples are beautiful, of the 10 or so I have actually entered, Manaus is my second favorite.

Before my mission I didn't like fish... I am starting to like SOME fish cooked in CERTAIN ways.

Every house in Manaus has some random pipes sticking out of their side. These pipes have water draining from them often. Then the water usually goes to the street, and water is constantly going downhill. That means at some T-intersections in neighborhoods there are dips or eroded road, causing large potholes. 

This week I was thinking about something one of my companions and I talked about. He talked about what he did as District leader, and in general what leaders need to be or have. We talked about how while completing his duties as a leader he talks every week with the companionships in our District. Sometimes he talked for longer than he should or about stuff that was not totally relevant to his call as a leader. He pointed out that if he just did business and hung up, that would be less motivating for his District, and his job as a leader was to encourage them. So that made me think about how each person has a place. On the mission we have specific rules for when to wake up, when to go to bed, staying with our companions always, etc. I try to be obedient because I know God will bless me. I think that sometimes when we seek one thing, other things aren't the best fit.  Like I know I can be a good leader, but perhaps my goal of obedience won't allow for me to be a leader how or when I want, or think should happen. #LifeAdvice. Sometimes we want things we can't have, or at times we can have them. That is why when we pray, and God doesn't seem to respond, we probably prayed for the wrong thing. I know God has a place for each one of us. A plan for each one of us. I know He wants us to grow in his timing and ways. As we seek to follow Him and Jesus Christ, we will be better able serve them. We will improve in all things. They want us to be happy. Because of that they will always help us if we ask, just maybe not how or when we think.

I hope you all have an awesome week!
If you have any comments or questions, you can always ask or tell me @ Olson.David@missionary.org

Elder David Olson

Pics-Sorry I forgot to send pics last week...
-District meeting in my old area
-Service Project!
-President and Sister França of my mission, when they were in Provo, UT at the temple there (like 3 weeks ago)
-My new companion and I with the river Negro :)
-Some members helping us share the gospel with others :)
-June Festival with one of my wards
-Chapel in my new area


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