
Monday, July 31, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Hey y'all!

More beans and rice and spaghetti every day this week :)

This week my new district had a district meeting with all of us, 8 Elders. It was great to talk about problems we are having in our areas and give advice to others.

Then my district had a district pday, where we played Monopoly and got lunch. We ended Monopoly early for time, but it's important to note that of the 6 of us playing, I was one of two people likely to win. ;)

We had Zone conference this week. It was awesome! Practices (role plays) during it included talking to people in the streets near the church building we had zone conference in (with a temporary different companion!), followed by some master practice and instruction on simple breakfast things like eggs and fruit smoothies. I used that practice a little during the week. 

I found out when you cook couscous you can just stick pretty much anything in it as it's cooking so that it isn't plain, for example eggs or sausage.

 I have started seeing more fruit on random trees in people's yards. It normally blends in but there's a decent amount. 

This week I thought a lot about how my mission is like college. In college you have the generally school type of stuff, studying and classes. You (probably?) have work, to pay for college. And you have spending time with friends, sports events, etc. All this along with sleeping and eating, personal things. Any good college kid finds out at some point that sleep is important and that studying needs to be prioritized over spending all your time with friends. In the lives of all of you reading this email, you have priorities. But something that is essential is that you find time for the small super important everyday things. Things like praying. Reading scriptures. Spending time with family. The things that are essential. If you prioritize those, you will find time for the other important things in your life. School. Work. Sports, hobbies, talents, etc. 

As usual little time and few photos :) 

But I love y'all!!

Elder David Olson

-A parrot in one of the members houses
-district pday (Preparation Day)
-Random view


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