Transfers X2

 Monday, July 24, 2023; Jorge Texeira, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Hey all of you! Como você(s) esta? 

This week has been a ride.

Last Monday we had transfers, but I stayed with the same companion in the same area. 

We went shopping last Monday too, and because I didn't get transferred, I bought a decent amount of food and stuff to use over the next 6 weeks. 

This week all the young missionaries who are leaders attended a meeting to talk about and set a few new mission specific rules with the new mission president. I am not currently a leader, but my companion is so we switched with another dupla of Elders for the day.

Then Thursday my companion and I were unexpectedly called to meet with our mission president. He told us we would have another transfer. And it was all my fault😕. He basically said that with my current companion I wasn't growing as much as he wanted me to, and decided to transfer me to another companion, new area. It's interesting because it happened just a few days after normal transfers, and my new companion is Elder Wagner, who arrived in Manaus with me. Elder Wagner is Brazilian. My new area is named Jorge Texeira. It is still in Manaus.

I had a few hours to pack my stuff up. I have too much stuff, need to get rid of some. But everything can be useful at times. 

My new area has two wards that each get maybe 100 or so active people every Sunday.

Here there is a thing called terere, which is basically you fill a cup with grass-like flavor, add juice, and drink it through a filtered straw. I haven't had it much because... well it's just really different and I like juice and soda more. But my new missionary house is owned by and situated next to a member's house, who have a shop selling terere and the needed cups and straws. So maybe I will drink it some? 

This week with my transfer I thought a lot about change. Sometimes we can change how we are in our same space. But sometimes to really change, we need a new start. For example, if you have an addiction to a drug, you can try to change that addiction. But maybe you also need to change houses or cities. Maybe you need to change who your friends are to really succeed with that change. We all need to change something, to become better. Anything is possible through Jesus Christ. However, he asks us to try our best first. Prayer alone does not solve problems. Faith without actions is nothing. So.... 

I invite you all to select one thing you want to change in your life. Identify if that thing needs the help of other changes or if you can change the one thing alone. And then act, along with your faith in Christ. He will help you. He will empower you and magnify your efforts. 

I hope each of you all have an awesome, change♻️ filled week!

Elder David Olson

I didn't get many photos this week, but here's a few:
-Temple pic from last week
-My new companion Elder Wagner
-Elder Wagner helping stir a big pot of something similar to rice. ("Stirring and stirring and stirring my brew... oooo"-A witch in one of my mom's preschool songs :)

Love you all!!!!


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