Monday, August 14, 2023; Manuas, Amazonas, Brazil:

This week was mostly normal.

Tuesday, I had a district meeting. More training, talked about goals and how to better meet the needs people we teach.

Several days we went to a local park and talked to a bunch of people there. We also had some lessons there.

One of the days we had a young man in one of our wards, Icaro, accompanied us as we talked to people. He is 17 and preparing for a mission also. 

We had the baptismal service for Nara and her daughter Jaqueline. We taught them all the missionary lessons. They are a super awesome family and had received a confirmation of their decision to make covenants with God through baptism! 

Then... this Sunday was Brazil Father's Day. Unlike American (USA) Father's Day, I actually did remember/know about this one. So I sent my dad an email about some of the super awesome things he did for me and taught me :) 

This week my companion and I shared The Plan of Salvation quite a few times. If you don't know, it's a lesson about God's Plan of Happiness. It answers the questions of where we come from, why we are here on earth, and where we go after this life. Unlike popular Christian belief, after this life there are more than 2 destinations. Because God loves us, he wants us to be happy. And so he made different parts of Heaven. Each have laws and rules, but some are more elevated, others a little more relaxed. This is so that those who can't follow the highest laws can still get to heaven. But they lose some of the glory and privileges of Heaven. Basically. Because of this, it's on us where we go. I thought a lot about this idea- The decisions we make on this life, and the level of obedience to God that we have, chooses where we will go in the future. Because it chooses what type of place, we want to live in. That choice is a freedom God give us.

I invite all of you to choose good. To decide things carefully because those decisions really affect your desires.

Elder David Olson

-The member's house we live next to/in the same compound sells Tereré cups, bombas (filtered straws) and the 
Tereré (which looks kind of like teeny tiny wood chips and a bit of grass)
-Display window for Tereré
-My companion Elder Wagner and I, him eating a pastel
-Elder Wagner cleaning the baptismal font before our baptism
-Elder Wagner caught a baby bird that got stuck in the church building
-Baptism of Nara and Jaquline 
-Icaro, the 17-year-old young man preparing for a mission.


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