
 Monday, September 4, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Oi I hope you have all had a good week!

This week not too much exciting happened. I also have like, no pictures.

This week was super hot, and we walked a ton. My companion and I talked to a ton of people.

I took a Portuguese test and got 5.8/10. I don't know if that's good or not, but it is better than my 3 during the CTM (Mission Training Center).

The house I live in currently is underneath a mango tree. The tree started dropping mangos, and several times a day there's a loud crash as the mangos fall on top of the metal roof. 

This week was transfers. I found out I will be staying in the same area for a while longer. My companion is getting transferred to another part of Manaus. My new companion is an American with more than a year and a half on the mission. My first American companion! The only problem is he was outside of Manaus and won't arrive in Manaus until Wednesday, so Monday until Wednesday my former companion and his new companion with stay in my area.

This transfer was super exciting because of changes made in the Mission Office. Our Mission has two young missionaries assigned as Assistants to the President of the Mission, along with 4 young missionaries as secretaries. The four secretaries include an Executive Secretary, one for Housing, one for Finances, and one for History of special events and stuff. These 6 young missionaries are super important and help everyone out. This transfer was unusual because, of the 6, 4 of them changed. So there was a lot of guessing among us young missionaries as to who would be next to fill those positions. 

Not too much else, just waiting for my new companion Elder Cruz to arrive :)

This week I thought a lot about goals. Goals help shape who we are and who we want to be. We should always make goals that help us stretch but are possible to get results from. When we reach one goal, our next is highest and harder, helping us grow more. Goals don't always show the motivations for what we do. But they show the work and progress we make. Like a goal to lose weight doesn't factor in why. It's just numbers, time and progress. But when we have the ultimate objective in sight and then make smaller progress-based goals, we steadily achieve our goals.

I challenge all of you to make good big goals and small goals. Let them change you and improve you. Spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, etc.

I love y'all, hope all of you have a good week!!!

Elder Olson
🌴M🌴A🌴N🌴A🌴U🌴S🌴 Brazil


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