Giving my companion all my money :(

 Monday, October 9, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Olá a todos, espero vocês está muito bem!

This week had a few big changes. One is that the Mission had another temple trip. It is always awesome going to the temple. Literally it is a place full of love and peace. I was able to do baptisms, including baptize, be baptized, confirm and be confirmed for others. It was awesome. 

Along with the temple trip, following the lead of all the missions in the USA and Brazil, each missionary received their own phone. In the past I have always shared a phone with my companion. But now we each have our own. Each area has its own sim card for contacts of that area. 

Also, during the temple trip the mission leaders told us about our transfers the next week. It is always super exciting finding out about transfers. However, unlike everyone else, when I asked, they said president still wasn't sure where I would be put. If I would stay or not. That made me a little depressed, just in the sense that everyone was super excited about their transfers, and I didn't know where I would be put. I did know that I probably would leave my current area. A little sad about that cause I love my area here, along with my companion. 

The next day one of the mission secretaries asked for photos of our documents for Brazil. That suggests maybe I or my comp would leave Manaus, but we knew my comp wouldn't be leaving [since he is going home in 6 weeks]. So, I was hopeful maybe I would leave Manaus. I don't yet have my Brazil residency card, just a temporary print out.

However, I am staying In Manaus. Switching areas. My new companion happens to be another American (USA). 

This week we also got our new Debit cards activated. That is for the money we get to buy basics like food. [The secretaries in the Mission Office make arrangements for and pay for housing.] There was just one problem. We in charge of registering our cards online to be able to view the balance. And in trying to register our accounts, my current companion Elder Cruz ended up with both our cards registered to his account. So, to view my balance I have to log in to his account. Oops...

This week we had 3 baptisms! A 9-year-old girl Thais, and a married couple Alex and Brenda. It will be awesome for Thais to grow up in the church, learning about Christ and growing in her faith. Alex and Brenda have a 4-year-old son, and I hope that they and their son can gain a lot of faith, knowledge and skills through participation in the church. It's awesome to see the interest they have already showed to learn a bunch. 

Here parts of the Amazon River and other smaller water streams have started drying up, leaving some people a little worried. I find it funny that big bodies of water can dry up, but my sweat never dries up... But this time of year, is when the last mangos in the mango trees start falling. Many a day at 7am we have heard the crash of some mangos falling on our roof. 

This week I have thought about my experiences on the mission. I know there are tons of benefits for me. However, I feel that for me it's not just about seeing others change. I feel my mission is helping change me inside. Not that I wasn't a good person before or will be the best after, but it's the idea that little by little we become better. As I think of change, I understand that I control who I am and who I become. Each of us has that Free Agency- the ability to choose. It's a gift from God. Through that gift we mess up, but also become better. So....

I want to invite y'all to evaluate how you are using your agency. Are you choosing who you are and who you become? Are you happy with your efforts, who you have become? Or is a big change (completed by small changes) needed?

Anyway, that's about it. 


Elder David Olson

-Pretty common to see random spray-painted artworks, some of them are super beautiful
-I baptized Alex
-The Temple with my current companion Elder Crux and my CTM companion Elder Pohm
-🌟Me🌟at the Manaus Temple


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