Verdes Matas Ceu Azul Anil๐ŸŽถ

 Monday, December 18, 2023; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

This week was pretty normal for the first half. It was normal studying, lessons, contacting... few results but for one or two awesome lessons.

But then Thursday it got really busy. On Thursday we had a Mission Conference with ALL of the missionaries in the Brazil Manaus Mission. It's the first in-person one I have had with the whole Mission. There are 160 missionaries in the Mission, and a decent number are serving outside of Manaus, so, it was cool to see and meet them. We received training, some tips and encouragement. We also sang a song called 'Verdes Matas', which was super awesome. Then we ended with a healthy lunch :)

Then Friday some of the missionaries, including my companion and I, sang at a little performance in a mall. It was fun, and the music was awesome. Christmas music is always good. The people there enjoyed it, and really helped me feel Christmas, which is hard to feel when it's always super-hot, each day the same as the last. But there was a great spirit felt by all in attendance.

On Saturday the Mission held another Conference with some messages, but it was more Christmas focused, more fun messages. It also Included a surprise video compilation of each missionary's family, solicited in secret. My parents joined in, wishing Merry Christmas in 4 different languages: English, Portuguese, German, and Finnish. The latter two were the languages my mom and dad (respectively) spoke on their missions. Afterwards, photos, a dinner and dessert, including lots of talking and socializing. It was awesome, though it ran several hours later than the original plan was. 

Then Sunday, the missionary choir that had performed at the mall performed again, but at a church building on the other side of Manaus. That went well, and while it was well attended, I felt the Holy Spirit testify again that it isn't about how many people are there, but more the experience and spirit felt by each person.

Because of that, the end of this week was busy with traveling and those events, so not much contacting, not many lessons๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚. But it was good.

Every year, one of the Biggest, Best, Funnest, Cool family/neighborhood Christmas traditions for me has always been luminaries. On Christmas Eve-day we [gather with others from the neighborhood at a local neighborhood pool and] fill up a ton of white paper bags with sand and a candle and put them along each side of all the streets in the neighborhood. Then, that night, the candles are lit, resulting in beautiful light-filled streets. My family then normally drives through the neighborhood, spending time together, and taking it all in. 

More than just a fun and unique tradition, this actually holds a ton of wisdom. When night starts coming on, these white bags are dark and dull. But then... people start lighting the candles. By the end of the night, all are lit. 

Just like that, our world is very dark. There are so many people without light, who aren't able see the way, who can't see themselves. Many of those people are looking for the light and not finding it. But Jesus said Let Your Light Shine. 

So, my invitation to you! is... light those candles. Fill the world with light, lift others up. It doesn't need money, often it is simple and easy. And as you spread the light, you will see the beauty of the light along the road. 

It can be caroling, cookies, visits or calls, letters, donations, service... anything for those who could use a little something.

Or for more ideas how, go check out this website: 


While I will send an email next week, I hope each of you have an awesome, spirit and fun-filled Christmas! 

Elder David Olson 

PICS-I sadly don't have most of the pictures yet, sorry!
-Elder Schmidt, Elder Proenรงa and I, Elder P. Played Violin and organized the program
-Some other missionaries after our Sunday performance 
-The Chef Joรฃo Paulo who makes food for all our Zone Conferences
-Elder Wagner and I in festive apparel๐Ÿ˜
-One of the members that came to the mall performance with me, they had the big poster set up on a stage. 


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