1 ano, 5 Turtles, Lizards can swim, free haircut???
Monday, January 29, 20 Olá a todos! Como vocês estão? This week was ok. My companion wasn't feeling the best at the beginning of the week, but we were able to get some work done. Some of our lessons fell through, but it was cool to see other lessons and visits we hadn't planned on working out in that time. We visited a family of members that have some animals chilling in their front yard. It isn't too uncommon to find people with chickens or sometimes pigs or other animals in their yards or houses. Dogs and cats roam wild. But this member family had a goose, two chickens, and 5 turtles in their yard. They require a lot of attention at times :) Speaking of animals, one of the members has a monkey. And I guess he likes the taste of my companion's hair because he was trying to eat it! Just a cool tiny monkey with Waaaay too much energy. Today I hit 1 year on the mission. It is cool to see how much better my Portuguese is, as well as tons of other skills, relat...