Incan chess set- see the picture

 Monday, January 22, 2024; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

This week's email is a little short :)

This week I had divisão or in English, split, with Elder França for 2 days. It was really cool to get to know him and see his skills. He is a Brazilian from São Paulo, and his English actually isn't too bad.

This week we had some really awesome lessons. 

-We had some tec problems today, so my comp had to use my phone some of the time
-I walked a ton this week (more than normal)
-It poured super hard one of the days, such that drips of water were flying more than 5 feet through our window. With a ton of wind. 
-My companion got sick
-I guess there is some flu going on round here, maybe mosquito borne?
-We had lunch with a deaf member of one of the wards here. She had a daughter interpret to talk to us. Let's just say I am not near fluent at the basics of sign language, let alone in Portuguese!!

This week I thought a lot about our habits. Also, the media we put into ourselves. When we read good things, watch and listen to good things, those stick with us. When we don't, that is WHAT we use, think, and feel. This life is great for learning and growing. But if we learn the wrong things, and grow the wrong ways, it will all be good for nothing. Our Father in Heaven wants us to grow. To become like Jesus Christ, perfect at everything. 

So, my invite to you all- make you media inke celestial. Make your thoughts, feelings, and desires Christlike, or in other words, perfect😁🐑

Elder David Olson

-A chess set made of wood my comp brought from the Peruvian and Columbian border
-A steep hill. And that was only halfway up.
-Elder França, divisão 


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