
 Monday, January 15, 2024; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

This week was interesting. Monday night, my new companion Elder D. Fernandes arrived. My old companion, Elder Schmidt wasn't leaving till the next day. We made American pancakes to 'celebrate'. And because Elder Schmidt is leaving, and he wanted to use up some of the supplies he couldn't take with him. 

The next day we three spent the morning together, and then Elder Schmidt left to take his bus and my new comp finished unpacking.

Elder D. Fernandes. He has a D because there is another missionary with the last name. He has 1 year and 3 months on the mission, is Brazilian, and is around the same height as me (6ft~). 

The church has an awesome system that helps us missionaries track [on our phones] who is being taught, is interested, etc. But this transfer, because my old area was combined with another ward, there were a few glitches that took some time to work out. But it's all good now.

We had some lessons and contacts that went decent. It is super cool for me to see the difference between companions. They are all awesome, just each one works and thinks a little different.

Other things-
-Saw a dead creature in some water. Idk what the official name for it is. Lizard?
-Attended a ward baptism
-My companion did an eye test to get new glasses

We also had the baptism for Valberney!!

Speaking on baptism, it's super important. 

For a baptism to be done right, it's done how Jesus Christ's baptism was. With several specific things. Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river. But it wasn't the place itself that was so special, it was that he was baptized by immersion [and by someone who held the proper authority to perform it]. Jesus was old enough to make the decision to be baptized himself. With 8 years and older, we [are old enough and have the experience enough] to choose for ourselves. To make the covenant (promise with God) of baptism. And Jesus traveled from Nazareth to the River Jordan to get to John the Baptist, because John (unlike others baptizing at the time) had the power and authority of God to perform baptism.

Baptism is a signal to God that we are trying to follow him. But it's so much more than that. Baptism isn't just a simple action to show we accept God. It is literally something eternally important. In this life, and after we all die!

No, when we are baptized, we receive the key to Heaven. Only problem, we still need to get to the door. We must guard that key. Always do as Christ did. Love our neighbors. Keep the commandments of God. It's super important, but if we don't keep going until the end, it will be good for nothing. And that's my challenge to all of you. Be baptized as Jesus and continue. Endure and persevere in your baptismal covenants.

I know that families can be together forever, and that God loves all His children. Jesus Christ is the son of God, and our Savior.

I hope each of y'all have an awesome week! Feel free to write me, ask any questions you have about me, the mission, Manaus, etc.

Love y'all!

Elder David Olson 

-Dead or alive?😮
-Elder Ramsey
-Cleaning the baptismal font🌊


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