Pizza, Sol, Progressão

 Monday, February 5, 2024; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite a todos. Bem vindos a mais uma carta cheio com Sol, Milagres e muito mais. 

This week we had lots of awesome lessons. Only a few small complaints from my face as the sun shone and from my feet after walking for hours each day.

After my email last week, we ordered pizza to celebrate my 1 year on the mission. 

This coming week will be the start of Carnival which I guess is a big thing in Brazil. While I feel like my part of Manaus is secluded enough, it is true that anything similar to a holiday (even weekends!!) turns some streets into bars. 

Today we had a Zone p-day with around 20 missionaries in my Zone. The activities included a version of dodgeball, frisbee😍, and tereré. We ordered lunch. It had, very surprisingly: Rice, Beans, spaghetti, chicken, and a little salad. On ordering, one of the other Elders (Brazilian🤨) compared the chicken to Chik-Fil-A. It wasn't quite that good. But honestly was pretty similar.

The week was filled with lots of small miracles, many of which I may not have seen. We visited a lot of people, members attending church and others not, as well as lots of other people. When we got to church on Sunday there was an awesome turnout, including people who have not been going to church in years, and others. It was also Fast and Testimony meeting and was super uplifting to hear the testimonies of so many people. And we got a surprise visit during church from the APs🥸 [Assistants to the President of the Mission].

This week my companion shared some really helpful feedback with me about how I am as a missionary, about my Portuguese, and more. Some of it was a little hard to hear, but good feedback and critique can be extremely helpful. Progress with anything in life is important. Progress includes looking to the past, the present and the future. Here are 5 steps for progressing and planning progression:  

1 - Look to the past - How far I have come already? ✅
2 - Look at the present - How are we doing right now? What changes are needed? 📊
3 - Look to the future - Where do I want to go? What is my objective? 📈📅
4 - Look at my trajectory right now VS. Where I want to go. 📊
5 - Go and Do - Make the necessary changes. Try, and fail. But keep going. Do your best. 🌟

I know that progression is super important for me and for each one you! Not just important to us, but necessary. Our Heavenly Father created a plan for us. The first part of the plan happened before this life, even though we don't remember it. But the second part of that plan is happening now. It is the life of each one if us! To learn and grow and gain experience, among other things. 

A question for each one of us is this - in our 'test of life'-are we just learning enough to get a 'pass' or are we trying our best at a 100%.?

I challenge each of you not to do the bare minimum, but to really reach. Learn something new this week, something apart from your normal work or schooling. 

That's it for this week.  

Love all of y'all!

Elder David Olson
🌴MANAUS Brazil🌴

-1 ano na missão! Pizza :)
-Lunch with a member family
-Family home evening with another member family
-P-day with my Zone


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