Transfers, Faith and obedience
Monday, February 12, 2024; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:
This week's letter will be short.
We had a ward barbecue-the food was awesome-and played games like Ping Pong and Uno.
Because of the Lord's commandment, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints don't drink coffee. But here in Brazil there is a drink kind of similar, but also different than coffee, called Cevada. The members here drink it. Personally, I don't like drinking hot drinks in a hot climate, but it's ok. But this week we were working with one of our friends on stopping his use of Coffee and took him some Cevada to try instead.
One day this week we were walking near a store and saw an older woman who had a grocery cart full of heavy things. We helped her load them into her car, said goodbye and left. Then a few minutes later her car pulled up to us on the road and she asked if we wanted a ride. In the end she saved us around 30 minutes of walking and it was on her route. God works so many small miracles in each of our lives, many of which we never even see.
Today are missionary transfers. I was transferred. My new area is still in Manaus but in the north. My new companion is an American named Elder Griffin.
This week I thought a lot about our desires. As I read part of the book of Ether (in the Book of Mormon) I was thinking about how many people, leaders and kings had protection when they supported God's laws and the Prophets, and how many were destroyed and afflicted when they cast out the prophets and didn't heed God's laws. Obedience and Faith really go hand in hand. And we will be protected as we follow the laws of God.
I love all of you, amo vocês, espero que vocês vão ter um semana cheio com milagres.
Elder Olson

-Lunch with some members
-A very low doorway [Elder Olson is just barely under 6 feet tall.]
The Sky and trees
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