GoKarts, Easter and Elder Rossi
Monday, March 25, 2024; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:
This week was packed full of stuff but also flew by quickly.
We had a ward activity where we (my companion and I) led a bunch of small party games.
We had the Baptism for Gustavo. It was cool to see that after the baptism he was playing and being more interactive with the other kids. His mom has been working on making her work schedule better for going to church, so that will help him even more.
This week one of the members taught us how to make pudim? Honestly idk how to spell it. But I now know how to make it (without burning it)!
We had our weekly district meeting and finally took a photo.
Just about every day my companion and I walk past a mall. The mall has a maybe a 7-level parking deck. Many times, passing there at night we heard a sound from one of the top levels. My comp always said he thought it was a go-kart, but that just didn't seem logical. But finally, one day we got up there, and low and behold... Go-karts!
We will be having transfers tomorrow; I will stay and be getting a Brazilian as my new comp. Elder Rossi

I know it's almost Easter. I wanted to talk a little bit about something I was studying. In Mathew 14. It gives the Account of Jesus walking on water, and subsequently Peter also walking on water. But then he falls, and the Savior saves him. In verse 32 it says that after they arrived in the boat, the storm stopped. I thought about that. What if there was no storm? Maybe Peter would have succeeded. So why didn't Jesus Christ, or even God the Father, calm the storm beforehand? Would it have really been hard for them? I know it would not.
Sometimes in life, we ask ourselves, why is God doing this? Why doesn't he help me? Why do I have this life, this load, this problem? Where is the help of the Lord?
But that's why we often have trials of Faith. If everything were easy, we could just know what to do. We wouldn't learn or grow.
If the story of Peter walking on water had had no personal growth, no challenge, it would have given so much less experience to Peter. Even to us! We can learn. We can try and do our big things, and when we need help, we can receive it!
So, my invitation to you today is to not just cry and throw a tantrum with your hardships and problems. But really look at how you can and are growing. How God may not seem to be helping you in the small moment but really is helping you in your physical, mental, or spiritual growth and character development. It's a blessing not a curse. A source of hope, not hurt.
That's it, I love y'all!
Elder David Olson

-District meeting
-Gustavo's baptism
-Go-kart Griffin
-Learning how to cook Brazilian desserts 101
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