English class and Brazilian Money

Monday, May 27, 2024; Porte Velho, Rondonia, Brazil: This week was super busy. The first half of the week included lots of people not being home, not responding to our texts and calls, a lot of walking, and lots of lessons being canceled last second. One day we arranged to meet with one of the members here in the ward to talk about ways to help the ward. While we were talking, somehow, we got around to talking about the physical [monetary] currency of Brazil, and he showed us a large collection of current and past Brazilian currencies, coins and bills. Pretty cool. Expensive hobby though. We visited the farthest neighborhood in our area (in the city), just an hour and a half walk to get there. This week some days it was super-hot, and other days pretty cold... As I said, the start of my week was full of disappointment. But as always, the Lord blesses our efforts. The second half of the week was better. Each day we had more and more to do, more lessons and we met ...