Rondonia, Brasil
Monday, May 13, 2024; Porte Velho, Rondônia, Brazil:
This week was super busy, so I probably won't remember everything.
We had transfers, and the logistics made transfers last super long for some of us.
I spent a day packing my suitcases and cleaning the house.
I got to go on an adventure with the Mission's Executive Secretaries. Because my mission [Brazil Manaus] will be splitting in a little over a month [adding the Brazil Manaus South Mission], we now have two executive secretaries and two financial secretaries instead of just one of each.
To travel via plane, I needed my passport or another document. The other document hasn't arrived yet, but I have a temporary copy printed on paper. The only problem is that it had expired. Normally, for safety reasons, the Mission Leaders don't let us keep our passports with us, so that they aren't stolen. But I might need it to travel. Anyways, we went to the Federal Police Station to see if I could get a new temporary paper copy of the document that for some reason still hasn't arrived. When we arrived at the police station, the lady helping us said she had the document itself, which I was waiting for. What a blessing. 5-10 minutes later she returned to inform us that she did not in fact have the document. Oh well. I got another paper temporary one, which is good for a month. Then I went to the airport.
So, figure this out with me: I was flying from one state, Amazonas, to another, Rondonia. These states are right next to each other. But to get there I have to fly to the airport in Brasilia, a state which is not even close to my mission! I know, it's called supply and demand and all that goes on in determining plane flights and destinations. So, I traveled maybe 4 or more times the distance than I needed to.
My first flight to Brasilia was with 5 other missionaries, and my second flight was with just 3 of us going to Porto Velho. I arrived around 1 a.m. and was taken to a small missionary house (not mine) which had 4 beds and 6 missionaries for the night. Didn't sleep so well on the floor!

I spent the next day walking to a few appointments with two other Elders until the night. Then finally I arrived at the house where I was to stay in my new area and met up with my new companion there. [It is Elder Pohm, who was my companion in the Brazil Missionary Training Center.]
We had been waiting for some Sister Missionaries to leave for the airport. Before us, there had been a dupla [companionship] of sisters working in the ward and staying in that apartment.
We got to the house around 11 p.m., then stayed up till 1 a.m. trying to work out some problems with our new phone number.
The next morning, I woke up to my body mad at me. How was I supposed to know that my body didn't want to change climates? In traveling by plane, staying in airports, not sleeping as much as I should have, a new climate with more heat and less humidity, along with small lack of food from traveling and not having time to eat properly... I caught a cold. It only lasted a day or two.
My new companion and I checked out our new apartment. It is actually pretty big compared to most missionary apartments here.
We attended a Mother's Day activity for the ward here, which was nice to get to know some of the members.
We contacted a lot of people on WhatsApp this week, and we're able to make some lessons with some of them. We had a few new people come to church so that was awesome.
Then, to end the week, another set of missionaries arrived who don't yet have an apartment, só they came to live with us for a little while. [Our apartment has two bedrooms and four beds.]
If y'all hadn't heard, a part of [southern] Brazil has had some serious flooding. I've been hearing stories and seeing pictures... really sad. They could use your prayers. But it is interesting that Brazil's First Lady posted a picture with some missionaries helping with humanitarian aid. That's cool. I have a few friends serving as missionaries there, and they are doing lots of work to help care for people.
To go along with my plane flights, here's a message for each of you today:
As I said, to arrive here in Rondonia I flew to Brasilia, had a layover, and then flew here. While the first flight took me far away from my final destination, in the end I arrived at my planned destination. We can liken this to God's plan for us. With God, it doesn't matter where we are, just that we're trying to reach the final destination, returning to Him. Maybe we make stops along the way or take a long detour. But if we always strive to arrive at the right final destination, that's all He asks of us. Some days our faith might falter. Some days we will be weak, or struggle more than on other days. But if we do our best, and follow His guide, if we strive to return to him, we will succeed. He will help us.
That's my invitation y'all. #StriveToBe. Seek the right final destination. Seek to return to God!
Amo cada um de vocês! Deus também ama cada um de vocês!
Elder David Olson
Missão Brasil Manaus
-Meus amigos até Porto Velho
-Storage space in my apartment with extra fridge, ovens, washer, and some bed frames.
-Mother's day ward activity, Happy Mother's Day to all of y'all!
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