Transfers, MUSA

Monday, May 6, 2024; Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil:

Olaaaaa a todos, tudo tranquilo com todos vocês?

This week was long, but [we] didn't have too much happening.

A lot of contacting people, making lessons, and those falling through, people not responding...🤔

Had some cool things happen though. Someone here we have been teaching visited Fortaleza, Brazil, another state in Brazil. While traveling she went to Church there, awesome to see her desire to obey God's commandments!

The APs called us up Sunday night with the news. My companion will stay here in this Ward, but I will be going to Porto Velho, the capital city of one of my mission's smaller satellite states. Should be a lot of fun :)

We had the chance to go to MUSA again, a big park on the edge of Manaus. 🦎🐉🦖🐍🦕

It rained most days this week and stayed pretty hot even with the rain. Some days when we arrived home and I have so much water on my face, I have to decide if it's rain or sweat. 🌧🌧🌧

I started packing my suitcases for the transfer and... the smallest suitcase is definitely the heaviest. #ScripturePower or in other words, all my heavy books are in my carry-on. 😉 [Each suitcase must be 23kilograms or less.]

Really this week was pretty straight forward. I was thinking and studying a lot about The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The five simple steps: Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end. I feel like I sometimes pick favorites, which things I think are more important or less important. But I was reflecting on that this week. I often discount the 4th step a little, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. I usually think of baptism as the key to Heaven. But really, it's not about one being more important, but that they are steps.

We have faith. That faith leads to us making changes and becoming better (repentance). Then we make promises with God (baptism). Then we can receive the Holy Ghost, and be purified and sanctified by it, such that we can arrive at Heaven, having held on or continued until the end.

So my invitation to all of you is this: think of the 5 steps of the gospel as progression, where without one step you can't reach the next. 

That's all for this week,

Amo vocês, e até mais :)

Elder David Olson 
Missão Brasil Manaus ________

-Elder Rossi and I at MUSA on top of theToWeR
-Snake 2
-It's just a tree, right?


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