Elder Pohm, Pizza, e PortoVelho

 Monday, June 10, 2024; Porte Velho, Rondonia, Brazil;

This week was quite the rocket, flying fast. It seemed to be a week focused on Elder Pohm

On Wednesday my companion Elder Pohm turned 21. We ended up getting cakes from several different people to celebrate😁🍰🎂🧁🥧

We also got pizza. Funny story... the pizza was purchased by Elder Pohm but the missão was going to reimburse him for it, as a present for his birthday. We needed to send Presidente and Sister França a picture with the pizza, so we got ready. But the pizzas still had their lids on. The pizzas were on a table that's a little long and thin, so in going to take the lids off, two of the pizzas faceplanted onto the ground. Happy birthday to Elder Pohm indeed😅😢🫠. And yes, we still ate them😅🫠🫣

One day we were walking down the street, and an older lady in a garage called out to us "are you Mormons?" so we went to talk to her, and of course explain that the name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She was holding a young girl on her lap. As we started talking with her, a lady walked out, and we found out that it was the mother of the little girl, and the granddaughter of this first lady who called us. Then a minute later the lady asked if we wanted to meet her daughter, and without waiting for response called her daughter out. So, there we had a group of 4 generations. Pretty cool to me. 

One day we passed by a big sign that says Porto Velho, so we got some photos. The sign had a big sun on the side, as seen below. I guess I didn't realize the sun was so important and special here in Porto Velho. I know it's hot here, but I thought Manaus got plenty of sun too.

At the end of the week Elder Pohm was having some problems with his toe, so we went to visit a doctor. The doctor did some stuff to his foot, wrapped it up, and told us to walk less.

Well.... we walked less but still too much. We had a quick check-up visit and the doctor got mad at us for walking too much. I guess walking a ton with closed-toed shoes doesn't give much rest for hurt feet. So, after that we barely left the house for two days. We had one final visit [to the doctor], and it went better. 

We had a lesson via video chat with someone in our area. He lives a little way away, just 5hours walking🤯. But because of technology we were able to talk to and teach him. I looked at the time to arrive, just 40 minutes... which isn't too far. Except that it was 40 mins by car, not 40 mins walking. 

Felipe. So, we have a young Man we have been teaching named Felipe. We had marked [scheduled] with him to be baptized on June 15th, next Saturday. But while we were on house arrest [because of the sore toe], we video called him, and at the end of our chat, he asked if he could be baptized sooner, if he could be baptized the next day, Sunday. So, he was baptized Sunday! 

I wanted to share a little bit that one of the youth leaders mentioned during the Baptismal service. The youth leader mentioned he had had some serious talks with Felipe about life a few weeks before. About how to push through with all the difficulties and temptations. During the talk they had, this kind youth leader explained how baptism and progressing would help with some of the problems Felipe is facing, but others would not be helped. Just like in life. Sometimes, we receive God's help to get out of or push through difficulties. But other times we just have try our best. Push on. 

I also have found that often it's easier to see progress, and understand the 'Whys' of life, after the fact. After the hardships we face. So... to be happy even when it's hard, we must Trust God. Trust Him even when it's hard, especially when it's hard. And He will never let us down. He will make all things right in the end. 

So that's my invitation for all of you, to Trust God in every thought, without doubting, without fearing. 

I hope you all have a good week! Love you all!!

Elder David Olson
Missão Brasil Manaus 

♥️, Obras🌴, e Poder🌊

-Felipe's Baptism!
-Pizza por o aniversário de Elder Pohm
-Porto Velho 
-Some members of the ward


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