Big bush, puzzles and pizza

 Monday, July 29, 2024; Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil:

Olá a todos! Como vocês estão? Estou muito feliz pra falar que a clima está  normal. Só calor. Eu ouvi que em São Paulo talvez está fazendo 9grau (48°f). Mas aqui está 24grau (75°f) no mínimo. Mas blz, os EUA está quente também. 

This week has been super awesome! We had a divisão/exchange, I walked a ton and learned a lot.  

I also found out I will be transferred, whitewashing for the 3rd transfer in a row (both I and my comp will be new to the area, not actually knowing anyone, members or friends). Should be cool. I will stay in the same city. My comp is a Brazilian, Elder S. Nascimento. 

I have a little puzzle of God's plan for us, the Plan of Salvation. It's made out of wood, and I love it. But this week I decided to see if I could make a paper one too. So, I did. I then laminated each of the pieces, to keep them safe. Maybe I will give it someone... idk yet. Mortal life, to Earth life, to Resurrection, Judgment, to the three Kingdoms of Glory....

My comp and I were walking on a random street, and I looked over and saw a huge... idk bush? So, I had my comp take a picture.

Fresh fruit juice is so good. I wish it were as common in the USA. 

My old comp Elder Whipple hit 1 year on the mission, and so we ended our divisão with some pizza. The pizza here is OK, the sweet pizzas are pretty good. Still, I miss USA pizza. 

On my divisão we taught a message to this one Lady who was really struggling, looking for peace in her life. It was awesome to see how the message could help her, and how blessed I am to know my divine worth and identity as Child of God. 

This week on Sunday we had the baptism for Clara, a young woman we have been teaching for a little while. She has been super-prepared by God and one of her Friends, and already knew a lot of the stuff we taught her. My favorite part about all of it was that at the baptismal service, each member of the Young Women's Class Presidency got up and welcomed her, offering their help and support to her. It was so cool to see all the young woman rallying around Clara. And to think that now is just the start, how different her life will be learning and participating in the youth classes, learning more about God and the principles of the Gospel!

My purpose as a missionary is to "Invite others come unto Christ..." 

•How can I do that? 
•What is the best way to do that?
•Who do I Invite?
•Where do I go?

 Those are my some of my thoughts. 

But for all of you, the Savior left His words to all of us, and therefore, each one of you. He said: "COME FOLLOW ME". So, my invitation for each of you is,

•How can you follow our Savior?
•How can you draw closer to him?

But that's pretty much it, any questions, comments, photo requests, just send me an email!

Elder David Olson🫶
🌴Missão Brasil Manaus Sul🌴

-Copied Plan of Salvation puzzle
-A family of members, including two "future missionaries" as their mini-nametags say 
-O batismo da Clara!


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