Transfers and Bridges

 Monday, August 5, 2024; Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil:

Opa Bom dia, Boa tarde, Boa noite a todos vocês! Como estão? Minha semana passou bem rapida. 

I started this week in one ward. My old comp's new comp arrived, but we didn't have enough beds for me to stay with them, so I went to another house of missionaries. I ended up staying here for a few days and then will pick up my new comp tomorrow.

My old area had a few brick roads, some of them full of potholes, but a few were honestly pretty smooth and in good condition. 

Each missionary area that we stay in has a phone number/chip just for the missionaries in that area. Here in Brazil, we just use WhatsApp to contact people. The wards each have a WhatsApp group to communicate. 

Even though I haven't yet gotten to my new area yet, I did get the phone chip and WhatsApp from the other Elders. This week, my new Ward sent a bus full of people to the Manaus Temple. I think it takes somewhere around a day-long bus ride there, and a day back. But they have been so happy to be going. This Stake (collection of wards/congregations) has been and will be sending a caravan to the Manaus Temple each week. 

It made me think about a few things. And I wanted to ask each of you:

Where are your priorities? What is most important to you? 

To these people it's the Temple. It's being in holy places, following God's laws. 

What is it for you? 

That's about it for me, hope all of you are doing awesome!

Elder David Olson🫶
🌴Missão Brasil Manaus Sul🌴

-The Elders who I'm staying with right now and a very safe bridge!
-Member lunch!
-Rio Branco downtown Bridge 


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