
 Monday, September 2, 2024; Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil:

Olá meus amigos! Tudo bem com vocês? Semana de Fumaça! Mais uma! Onde está a chuva?

Hey everyone! How are y'all doing?

This week was another good but fast week. It got extra smoky during most of the week. But that's not the worst part. The smoke is super bad. And then getting to see several people burning random stuff, as if the smoke in the area isn't already too much... 

Rain has been lingering just out of sight; creeping in but never actually falling. Rain usually means that it will get somewhat cold... but none recently. The sunsets, however, have been pretty great. And all day everyday it has been looking like it's raining or misty in the distance but no. Just smoke. 🚬💨

I had a divisão this week and got to stay with Elder Morgan. His goal is to be a fireman, so he has been practicing his skills dealing with... the smoky air. 🙃

This week I walked on a road by the church and found that in the same view I can see both the church building and, close by, a ton of cows grazing. I guess I'm not used to being in a half 'country' place. 

I mentioned it in other emails, but normally Brazilians have a June or July festival. But sometimes churches or other groups will do one a little late. Sometimes in August... well... my ward is gonna do theirs in September. They at least wanna have a festival during this year. 😅

That's really about all that happened this week.

But during this week I was studying a talk given by the prophet, President Nelson, from this past April General Conference. As I'm living in a place with a ton of churches that have lots in common and lots of differences, it's sometimes easy to see how some of the basic things we all believe in are understood so differently. 

A specific example of this is baptism. There are so many people who give importance to baptism and are baptized in the church they attend. 

But as I was reading President Nelson's talk, it really struck me how (1) Baptism isn't the end goal as some people think, and (2) So many people don't know the power needed to baptize and work in God's name, namely the priesthood of God (The Power and Authority of God). 

Just as with any contract, if someone with authority doesn't sign it, it won't be valid. Just like that, anyone can do what they want, but without God's authority behind it, it won't be valid. And we have a prophet who holds the "keys" of the priesthood. Who is authorized to oversee the use of the Priesthood here on the earth. 

"Priesthood keys distinguish The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from any other organization on earth. Many other organizations can and do make your life better here in mortality. But no other organization can and will influence your life after death" (Pres. Nelson).

God's Priesthood here on this earth allows us access to peace and many blessings in this life and in the life to come. Any man-made authority, governmental authority, will go away at death. But God's Authority is forever. 

🌴I invite YOU to read this talk (if you haven't already or do it again😁) and see what you think is the importance of God's power and authority in your life. How have you been blessed, or COULD you be blessed by the Priesthood? 🌴


Love y'all!

Elder David Olson
🌴Missão Brasil Manaus Sul🌴

-Elder Nascimento and I with The Bridge
-Fumaça, smoke, fumes
-Elder Morgan 
-From the City of João Pessoa to the road João Pessoa (That is the name of the city from which Elder Nascimento comes.)


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