Another week, transfers are on tuesday

 Monday, October 21, 2024; Floresta Ward, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil:

This week went super-fast. Didn't have time to write much.

-My comp ended his mission.
-I stayed a few days in another ward with Elder Neddo.
-Vanesa got baptized in that other ward.
-It was either hot or rained.
-Super random house with a bunch of robots on it.
-Apparently different mango trees have different flavors, some being sweeter than others.

This week I thought some about change. And about difficulties. Sometimes when we have difficulties like, for me, it being super-hot, we wish for the opposite. But then it rains and is cold, and it's almost worse. Difficulties, just like opposites, are here for our good. So, my invitation for each of you is look at how the opposition and opposites in your life have help you become better. How have they benefitted you?

Love y'all, have a good week!

Elder David Olson
Missão Brasil Manaus Sul🌴

-Vanesa who got baptized
-Family of members
-Baptismal font in one of the chapels here
-Robots on the wall


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